Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Getting back into the groove

After about a five month hiatus, I finally went back to the gym. 

You might recall my post from a few days ago about my traumatizing experience noticing my belly hanging over my spandex. Well, I decided to do something about it. I forced myself back to the gym. Now granted, I haven't been completely void of exercise. It's been summer time so most of the running I've been doing is just outdoors instead of at the gym on the treadmill. And of course I am always playing volleyball minimum once a week. But this week I finally got my butt in gear and got back on the treadmill and worked up a good sweat 3x already. I found a few good interval exercises on pinterest and now I'm feeling more eager than ever. 

I also went so far as to get my "my fitness pal" app back up and running, and again, it's got me more eager than ever to get back on track to eating better. Here's to dropping that few extra pounds that I didn't even know grew on me.

I'd love to hear about some of your own fitness challenges.

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