Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Sunday Abby Co-ed 6s

I finally got a full team photo of my Sunday Co-ed 6s Team so I thought I would share. This league is a ton of fun, and is one of the ones where I get to be setter. 

(Back row left to right: Andrew & Steve)
(Front row left to right: Mark U., Jessamine, Me & Mark)
We've played in this league for about 4 seasons now, I think, and each year with a slightly different team, but it is always a blast. It's played out of Abbotsford Christian on Sunday nights. It's a very competitive league, with a lot of the players being college/university level which makes for some pretty incredible rallys.  

I would guess that our team has probably the least amount of "trained" experience, since most of us just picked up the sport casually, but that being said though, we constantly stayed between the top and middle pools this season, and I think we ended up 5th overall after the final week. 

I think the league starts up again in early January and I can't wait to get going again!


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