Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Headstand challenge success!

Let me just start this off by saying a big fat "WOOOOOOOO HOOOOOO!" 

This video is actually from I think a little over a week ago, but I had a busy/rough few day stretch so I am I am only now finding the time to actually upload and post it. I apologize for the delay.

Anyway folks, guess what! I did a complete headstand, unassisted, controlled on the way up, and down! 

Here is it:

Now, I think I can officially check this off my 30 before 30 list: Do a controlled headstand, however, I am not stopping here. I do want to get much more controlled and confident at it. 

This week I started working on doing the headstand without the security blanket of having the wall behind me just in case I lose my balance. Now that I know I have the strength and physical ability to complete this task, I'm really trying hard to overcome the mental focus for it. Mariah made a comment last week on one of my posts and it really resonated with me: "One yoga instructor said that the balance poses are very telling because you can't hide in them, if you are off balanced mentally (not in the now/focused on just the mat) then it will show." This was so true for me over these past couple days, because I was really in a negative slump and I was really struggling with the coordination on the headstand. 

So I'm furthering this challenge for myself and really focusing hard to make some progress on the mental aspect! Wish me luck!

What challenges have you overcome recently?



  1. Woohoo, awesome!!! Congrats, you rock the headstand!

    1. Aww thanks so much Miriam! I don't think I could have done it so quickly if you hadn't told me about that Kino gal, so really I have you to thank! :)
