Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Chess - A Strategic Art Form

One of the items on my 30 before 30 list is to: learn how to play chess, and actually remember the rules. Mark has been trying to teach me the entire 7 years we've been together, and I just can't seem to ever remember.

Lucky for him, while we were away in Cabo last week, the resort we were at had a "jumbo size" chess set. Since, we spent most of the 7 days there just lounging around doing as little as possible, Mark decided to take the opportunity to re-teach me (for the umpteenth time) all the rules to the game. 

(Jumbo size chess set in Cabo)
Now with all the free booze flowing through me, I was skeptical that I would even remember the names of all the pieces, let alone the specific moves that each piece can perform, however, after only three games, I was really starting to get the hang of it! So much so that, although I never beat Mark the whole trip, I was starting to give him a run for his money.

(Pouty face due to another loss to Mark)
By the end of the trip I was having so much fun playing, we decided to head to the nearest gift shop (where they sold very unique, hand carved chest sets), to attempt some haggling. Sadly, after a long, drawn out process, we couldn't get a price worth paying (they were trying to charge us $180 US), and we came out empty handed.

(Eager to keep playing)
All in all though, I am really proud of myself for having finally, finally, finally figured out this game of strategy, and I can't wait to pick up a chess set locally!


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